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Jailing doctor unlawful, court rules


The constitutional court ruled Tuesday that several articles in the 2004 Law on Medical Practices are unconstitutional.


The court validated several ot the complaints set forth in a petition by Dr. Anny Isfandyarie Sarwono five other doctors and a diabetic  patient, who stated that the law made it difficult for doctors to fulfill their oarth to serve anyone, anywhere and at anytime.


The court ruled it was not proportional to imprison doctors that practice with out licenses, that are unregistered with local authorities and who fail to display signboards at their practices.


The court regards the phrase a' maximum prison term of three years in articles 75 and 76 as well as a maximum jail term of one years in articles 79, as conflicting with the constitution and therefore as not having any legal power, said constitutional court president court jimly asshiddiqie.