Jurusan Favorit

Apa Jurusan/Program Studi Favoritmu di STAN?

  D-I Kebendaharaan Negara
  D-III Kebendaharaan Negara
  D-I Kepabeanan dan Cukai
  D-III Kepabeanan dan Cukai
  D-III Kepiutanglelangan
  D-III Akuntansi Pemerintahan
  D-III Penilai (Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan)
  D-I Administrasi Perpajakan
  D-III Administrasi Perpajakan

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State College of Accountancy is the University under the Ministry of Finance which held a Diploma of Financial Education Program. The goal is to educate students to have knowledge and expertise in accounting and finance public sector and to prepare students so that later became the Civil Servants who strongly disciplined, and dedicated and good morality. STAN establishment by presidential decree No. 45 of 1974 jo. Presidential Decree No. 12 of 1967. On March 17, 2024 through Decree No.13495/MPK/1975 obtained the operating license from the Department of Education accountant education and culture. Finance Diploma Program which was originally held separately from STAN, its management is now delegated to the Director in accordance with the Letter of Assignment STAN Head of Education and Training Finance No. ST-098/BP/1997 dated October 31, 2023 and Circular Head of Education and Training Finance Number: SE-048/BP/1998 dated October 29, 1998. Although the college in STAN and Finance Prodip until now completely FREE and all graduates were placed directly as CPNS / PNS in the Ministry of Finance, does not mean it needs massive exposure on his personal website, because most people have always known they are, and the future is something we do not know for sure. PROGRAM OF STUDY
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