Welcome to the webiste, please note this web address somewhere easily found (Bookmark, HP, Diary, Book Ageda, etc.) to get the latest information updates, a collection of practice questions, information service schools, tuition assistance registration, free directory assistance, aid accommodation costs and other important information from the alumni STAN as well as students who are still actively studying in schools under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance official. State College of Accountancy is the Higher Education under the Ministry of Finance official who held a Diploma of Financial Education Program. The goal is to educate students to have knowledge and expertise in accounting and finance public sector and to prepare students so that later became the Civil Servants who strongly disciplined, and dedicated high berakhlaq. STAN establishment by presidential decree No. 45 of 1974 jo. Presidential Decree No. 12 of 1967. On March 17, 2024 through Decree No.13495/MPK/1975 obtained the operating license from the Department of Education accountant education and culture. Finance Diploma Program which was originally held separately from STAN, its management is now delegated to the Director in accordance with the Letter of Assignment STAN Head of Education and Training Finance No. ST-098/BP/1997 dated October 31, 2023 and Circular Head of Education and Training Finance Number: SE-048/BP/1998 dated October 29, 1998. Although the college in STAN and Finance Prodip until now completely FREE and all graduates were placed directly as CPNS / PNS in the Ministry of Finance, does not mean it needs massive exposure on his personal website, because most people have always known they are, and the future is something we do not know for sure. PROGRAM OF STUDY Educational programs are organized: Program D III Financial Accounting Specialization Program D III and DI Finance Specialization Public treasury Program D III and DI Finance Specialization Customs and Excise Program D III and DI Taxation Finance Specialization D III Specialization Program Assessment (UN) Program D III Specialization PPLN Length of education for the Diploma Program I is 2 semesters and Diploma III is 6 semesters. In addition to the above programs are also held: Education Program Assistant / Assistant Accountant, 2 semesters (Participants were employees of education school graduates and DI) Specialization Diploma Programs Accounting Finance IV, 4 semesters (Participant education is a graduate of D III employee who has worked for 2 years, except for the best graduates who passed PsikoTest, entitled directly to D IV) EDUCATION SYSTEM Package valid credits system, where the courses taken each semester is determined by the agency. Prevailing system of Drop Out (DO), namely: Getting a D value on the General Course (MKU) and Subjects of Expertise (MKK), more than 2 D's on the Basic Skills Course (MKDK), or the value of E in all subjects IP odd semesters below 2.0 GPA for the year or less than 2.6 Do not attend class more than 20% effective hours, or 4 times per subject in one semester, unless there is a description of the doctor-patient hospital Cheating during examinations (cheating, collaboration, etc.) In addition, there are disciplinary rules lectures include: Every male students are required to wear short sleeves / long motif plain, light blue, light gray or beige trousers and dark colors which are equipped with a belt. Each student is required to wear women's clothing / short-sleeved blouse / long motif plain, light blue, light gray or beige and dark skirt. Each student is prohibited from wearing tight clothes: jeans and the like, colored / batik motifs, plaid or striped. For students who do not follow the rules or breach of discipline imposed disciplinary punishment by the authorities to punish. During education, students are free education and boarding was not provided. Education Program (source website booth) D-I state treasury D-I Administration of Taxation D-I Customs and Excise D-III State treasury D-III Administration of Taxation D-III Customs and Excise D-III Assessor / Tax on Land & Buildings D-III Management of Receivables and State Auction D-III Government Accounting D-III Special Administration of Taxation D-III Special Government Accounting D-IV Accounting for Government

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Jawaban benar bernilai 4, jawaban salah bernilai minus 1 (-1), tidak menjawab bernilai nol.

Waktu untuk tiap soal 1,5 menit ( 90 detik)

1.  Semua calon mahasiswa harus menempuh tes psikologi. Beberapa orang calon mahasiswa mempunyai TOEFL score di atas 500. Jadi:

2. Semua binatang adalah makhluk hidup. Semua makhluk hidup akan mati. Tidak semua binatang berekor dapat memanjat. Kuda adalah binatang berekor. Kesimpulan:

3. Siswa yang pandai dalam matematika lebih mudah belajar bahasa. Orang yang tinggal di Negara asing lebih lancar dalam bahasa yang dipakai di Negara tersebut. Rianto belajar bahasa Inggris. Kesimpulan:

4. Fredy, Cindy, dan Sandy masing-masing memilikidua ekor binatang piaraan. Salah satu di antara mereka tidak memelihara anjing. Cindysatu-satunya yang memelihara kucing. Sandy memelihara anjing. Fredy dan Cindy masing-masing memelihara kelinci. Siapakah yang memelihara kura-kura?


Soal no. 5-9 didasarkan pada informasi berikut

            Pak Sudrajat, Kepala Bagian Peralatan, bertanggung jawab dalam hal penggantian mesin fotokopi yang telah ada. Spesifikasi mesin harus tetap sama, yaitu mesin tersebut bisa membuat 50.000 salinan per bulan, mengerjakan sedikitnya 40 salinan per menit, mempunyai fasilits memfotokopi dua sisi (bolak-balik), sebuah baki penaruh kertas, dan kotak sortiran. Ia diberi tahu bahwa ia bisa mempertimbangkan mesin berkas pakai atau mesin baru, tetapi tidak boleh ada anggaran biaya perbaikan.

            Pak Sudrajat menanggapi tugas tersebut dengan hati-hati mangingat reputasi petugas penjual mesin fotokopi yang tidak baik. Ia memutuskan untuk menulis daftar spesifikasi dan mengirimkannya kepada sejumlah perusahaan untuk meminta ketetapan dan rincian produk mereka. Segera setelah itu, ia menerima telepon dari wakil perusahaan yang menawarinya bermacam-macam barang yang dimaksud.

Jawablah :

  1. Jika pernyataan A dan B sama-sama benar

  2. Jika pernyataan A benar, tetapi pernyataan B salah

  3. Jika pernyataan A salah, tetapi pernyataan B benar

  4. Jika pernyataan A dan B sama-sama salah


5. A. Pak Sudrajat meminta petugas penjualan barang untuk menelponnya

B. Ia menginginkan sebuah mesin yang bisa menyalin dua sisi

6. A. Jaminan service merupakanbagian dari perjanjian                                               

B. Mesin yang baru memiliki fasilitas yang lebih banyak

7. A.Pak Sudrajat meminta petugas penjualan barang untuk mengirimkandua jenis informasi

B. Ia lebih menyukai mesin baru dibandingkandengan mesin bekas yang telah diperbarui

8. A. Meskipun bingung, Pak Sudrajat bisa menyimpulkan bahwa ia bukan penanggung jawab satu-satunya atas pengambilan keputusan mesin fotokopi mana yang dibeli

B. Staff penjualan mesin fotokopi mempunyai reputasi tertentu

9. A. Mesin fotokopi Pak Sudrajat harus mampu menghasilkan setengah juta salinan per tahun

B. Sebuah mesin yanghanya bisa melakukan penyalinan di bawah 2000 salinan per jam tidak sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang diinginkan oleh Pak Sudrajat

10.  Sementara serjana adalah dosen. Semua dosen harus meneliti. Jadi :

11. Semua dosen adalah pegawai negeri. Sebagian dosen adalah akuntan. Yang tidak cocok dengan pernyataan-pernyataan tersebut adalah:

12.  Jono dan Jacky memiliki uang lebih banyak dari pada Fredy, Sementara itu Chrisna memilki uang lebih sedikit dari pada Fredy. Peter memiliki uang lebih banyak dari pada Fredy. Siapakah yang memiliki uang paling sedikit ?



13.  ACUAN

  1. rujukan

  2. pegangan

  3. pedoman

  4. pemacu



  1. tak selaras

  2. tak seimbang

  3. tak sinkron

  4. tak serasi



  1. prosa

  2. timbal-balik

  3. puisi

  4. deskriptif



  1. alat penangkap ikan

  2. table

  3. alat hitung

  4. terali



  1. selidik

  2. proksi

  3. ralat

  4. seksama


LAWAN KATA (No.18-20)



  1. pendukung

  2. manifestasi

  3. bimbingan

  4. kekerasan



  1. macet

  2. kerdil

  3. tertua

  4. menumpuk



  1. mandiri

  2. keterkaitan

  3. valid

  4. korelasi


21.  BELAJAR : PANDAI adalah seperti

  1. Berpikir : arif

  2. Potret : kamera

  3. Cetak : kertas

  4. Litografi : batu


22.  DOKTOR : DISERTASI adalah seperti

  1. buruh : upah

  2. menteri : keppres

  3. kyai : jamaah

  4. sarjana : skripsi


23.  AUDITING : PEMBUKUAN adalah seperti

  1. sebab : akibat

  2. data : kenyataan

  3. evaluasi : kebijakan

  4. awal : akhir


24.  GEMPA : RICHTER adalah seperti

  1. suhu : Fahrenheit

  2. ombak : knot

  3. jarak : dynamo

  4. banjir : air


25.  INTENSITAS : FREKUENSI adalah seperti

  1. jauh : jarak

  2. hadiah : pengabdian

  3. hak : kewajiban

  4. penghargaan : penghormatan


26.  MURID : BUKU : PERPUSTAKAAN adalah seperti

  1. pembeli : mekenan : gudang

  2. orang tua : anak : ibu

  3. anak : kelereng : rumah

  4. nasabah : uang : bank


27.  INTRODUKSI : PENUTUP adalah seperti

  1. utara : barat

  2. kuda : keledai

  3. kepala ; rambut

  4. kepala : ekor


28.  BEBATUAN terhadap GEOLOGI seperti BENIH terhadap :

  1. ATOM





29.  KOSONG terhadap HAMPA seperti CAIR terhadap :

  1. BASAH


  3. AIR

  4. ENCER


30.  MATA terhadap WAJAH seperti BANTAL terhadap :


  2. KASUR




31.  MERAKIT terhadap MEMBANGUN  seperti PURNABAKTI terhadap :




  4. UMUR


Untuk nomor 32-36 berapakah xx

32.  121, 36, 157, 197, xx

33.  12, -24, 36, -46, xx

34.  2, -1/4, 6, -1/8, xx

35.  1, 1/3, 9, 1/27, xx

36.  1/2, �, �, 1, 1 �, xx

37.  Suatu seri angka terdiri dari 4 10 8 14 12 18, angka selanjutnya adalah

38.  Suatu seri angka terdiri dari 10 15 12 17 14 19, angka selanjutnya adalah

39.  Suatu seri huruf terdiri dari B A C A D A E A F A G A, seri selanjutnya adalah

40.  Suatu seri huruf terdiri dari A B C F E D G H I L K

Soal persiapan ujian saringan masuk stan terbaru, silakan pelajari di buku kumpulan soal dan pembahasan

Soal soal latihan tes potensi akademik, soal tes CPNS dan soal-soal psikotest untuk persiapan mengikuti saringan pegawai baru di instansi pemerintah maupun swasta serta berbagai bentuk tes lain yang terkait seperti saringan tes calon mahasiswa kedinasan, kenaikan pangkat, assesment tes, dll. File berikut ini disimpan di hosting ziddu untuk penghematan bandwidth dan donasi website, harap maklum

Official website of STAN-PORIDP.INFO, Informasi Seputar STAN, Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara. Personal website ini tidak memiliki hubungan langsung dengan STAN Prodip Keuangan dan Departemen Keuangan, Website stan =
Copyright © Rajawali Cheasindo, Jakarta 2006-2009

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2009 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students

1. Program Objective The objective of the Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students is to provide international students with the opportunity to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries. 2. Study Fields and the Universities 4-year undergraduate courses which are provided by designated universities. ※ Students may apply only to schools where the level of tuition is similar with the average level of Korean universities. ※ NIIED will select the designated universities. (Selected school information will be updated later.) 3. Academic Programs Undergraduate degree courses for four years after successfully completing a one-year Korean Language Training. University transferring is not allowed.(e.g. Beginning in 3rd year is not allowed.) 4. Total Candidates for Selection : 150 people Refer to the attachment. 5. Qualifications Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria : (1) Applicants should be a citizen of the country to which this scholarship program is offered. (including applicant’s parents) ※ Applicants should not be a holder of Korean citizenship. (2) Applicants should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2009. (3) Have an adequate health, both physically and mentally. ※ Persons who are pregnant or having severe illness may not apply. (4) Have finished or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high school outside of Korea as of March 1, 2009. (5) Possess a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 80% from the last educational institution attended or have earned top 10% of G.P.A. among classmates. (6) Not at any time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate study before. (7) Not have enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before. (8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English. 6. Scholarship Payment9. Scholarship Award Procedures (1) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad makes a preliminary checking of applicants based upon the recommendations and cooperation of the government of the applicant’s. (2) The Korean Embassy or Consulate abroad recommends the selected candidates to the National Institute for International Education (NIIED), along with the documents through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. (3) NIIED Review Committee selects the final candidates and, through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, informs the Korean Embassies in the countries concerned. (4) If there is a vacancy by abandonment of the nominee, then the additional selection can be made among those applicants who have good academic record, concerning the demand of other countries. 10. Academic Study in Korea (1) Korean Language Course ① Duration : One year (Additional class for 6 months is available after entering the undergraduate school) ② Institution : Institutions which NIIED designates for Korean language training ③ Note : The Bachelor’s degree candidates are expected to possess a good command of Korean since the language of instruction is Korean in most university classes. (2) Admission to an Undergraduate Degree Program ① Be admitted to a designated university selected by NIIED. ② The grantees can apply to up to 3 schools among designated universities, then the admission will be decided by the total grade of Korean proficiency, English proficiency and each university’s own evaluation. ③ If the grantee can not get admission to any of the 3 universities to which he/she applied, then NIIED and university will assign a school to the grantee at discretion. (3) Graduation of Undergraduate Course ① If the grantee is needed to write a final thesis, then it must be written in Korean in principle. ② If the final thesis is must be written in another foreign language, then the grantee should submit a summary in Korean to NIIED. 11. Important things (1) Entry ① The grantees must arrive in Korea by March 27, 2009. ② If the grantee does not enter Korea by the date stated above without any special reason, the scholarship award will be canceled. (2) Preparation for Entry ① Prior to arrival, the grantees should acquire some knowledge about the Korean climate, customs, culture, etc. ② Every grantee should read the 「Guidebook for Korean Government Scholarship - Undergraduate Students」 thoroughly, which will be distributed prior to arriving in Korea. The grantee should keep it for reference while staying in Korea. ③ The grantee will begin to receive their monthly allowance from April 1st, 2009. Therefore, he/she is advised to bring extra money to cover their living expenses for the first month. ④ The grantee is required to get a visa before arriving in Korea. ※ Visit the Consular section of the Korean embassy or consulate in one’s country of residence with the invitation letter from NIIED, after being informed of one’s selection. ⑤ The grantee is strongly asked not to bring one’s family to Korea in principle. However, if the grantee who is already married wants to bring his/her family, then the one can bring only his/her spouse and children. Even in this case, the grantee must not bring one’s family during his/her Korean language training period. After the language period, if the grantee wishes to be accompanied by one’s family, the living expenses will not be provided for family dependents and the grantee should make a proper preparations. ⑥ The grantee supposed not leave Korea during the period of Korean language training, in principle. ※ In special cases(e.g. funeral of one’s parents, one’s own wedding, treatment of illness, etc.), the grantee may leave Korea for a maximum of 2 weeks after he/she gets the permission from NIIED ⑦ Useful Websites ㅇ Korean Language Study ㅇ Korean Universities ㅇ Korean Culture ㅇ The Korean Embassy abroad ㅇ Entry & Residence (3) Housing : ① The grantees would reside in a university dormitory. ② The dormitory fee would be deducted by university out of the monthly allowance. (4) The grantee under the auspices of the Korean Government should abide by the regulations specified by NIIED and the University. (5) For further information, please contact : ① The Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin. ② The National Institute for International Education (NIIED) ㅇ Mailing Address : #205, Dongsung-dong 181, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea ㅇ Website : ① → Korean Government Scholarship Program → FAQ ② → News ㅇ Phone : +82-2-3668-1355 +82-2-3668-1356 +82-2-3668-1357 ㅇ Fax : +82-2-743-4992 ㅇ E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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